I have my last final at 8 AM tomorrow morning and will be returning home shortly for month.
I'm looking forward to seeing my family, my boyfriend, and my friends; I've missed them all so much. I've missed the food (especially the Thai food), the snow, and what is quite possibly one of the only remaining Blockbusters in the US. I'll miss my wonderful roommate and my friends here, but I'll see them in about a month, give or take.
I've already started thinking about my New Years Resolutions. First on the list (as always) KEEP the resolutions going beyond January 3rd. This is the most challenging by far.
Then the list is beginning as followed:
- Keep in better contact with my friends thousands of miles away and my family. I've done alright, but I'd like to do better.
- Blog more! I'd like to evolve it and make it more enticing. But really the goal is just MORE.
- Form a workout habit. (They say this takes three weeks? Four weeks? I'm not sure. I'll let you know.)
- Get involved with another organization on campus.