Sunday, October 26, 2014

Enjoying New York State

I haven't had an opportunity to visit the Big Apple since I arrived at school (but I will soon- and I have all my years here to do it!). I will be going to NYC on Halloween with the School of Journalism to visit ProPublica and New York Daily News- exciting and only 10 dollars!

I have had the opportunity to visit some other places in New York (or at least see them on Rugby trips). One of the places I've visited the most is Port Jefferson and I've definitely fallen in love. It has a charming marina and the old town feeling that is so comforting. So many delicious places to eat: The Wave, Toast (possibly the best brunch), Sweet&Sassy Crepery, and the biggest candy shop that would make any sweet tooth ache, FrigateIt's worth mentioning that Port Jeff has what could be my favorite store I've found- a store dedicated to board games. It's amazing and has every version of monopoly you could ever want...or not want at all.

 Pictured: Tasty Rum Raisin Ice Cream and one part of the shop. Not pictured: THE REST OF IT.

I'm still enjoying Port Jeff every time I visit (it's fairly easy for me; the bus comes here and its free on the weekends for students). I've also visited Island Thrift shop and Kings Point as well as Stony Brook Village and Avalon Park. 

I definitely miss home, but exploring makes my time away enjoyable. Plus, when I go back home I can tell all about the foreign East Coast Eats and Bodegas.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Challenge Accepted

       I recently, as in seconds ago, posted a video to Facebook about how the world has become disconnected with itself due to technology. I wholeheartedly agree with him; it's a sad realization. What even more sad is that we all recognize it, but rarely do I see individuals do something about it. Small things in everyday life. Including myself.
      Now technology is a useful thing. Social media is a revolution that has proven very powerful. For the path I am choosing as a passion and career, I need it as a tool. But I have made a promise to myself to only use it as a tool. To build and not fuss around, to not let it consume me. It's only tool. As is money. But friendship and connectedness isn't a tool, it's a gift. 
          So I've chosen to challenge myself (and anyone else) to at least twice a day talk to someone new or old instead of looking to their phone for entertainment. Look to people for entertainment, be entertaining. We are in these situations everyday where we can meet someone new or help someone or even make conversation but we all turn to our devices and not to others. We hide behind our phones like shields; we can say brilliant words in 140 characters, but why are we scared to say them in real life settings? 
Challenge: Don't Turn to The Phone. Turn to the person sitting next to you in class, waiting in line, waiting for a performance to start. Be social for real.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Sometimes we need to stop and ask for them.
I've been feeling that I need to take a more structured direction with this blog.
Or, perhaps, start a new blog with a structured direction and keep this one for my personal flippity floppity bibbity boppity crash bang feelings and update blog. 
Either way, I kind of need a direction to go in.
My interests? That's vague, but a few prominent ones could work together. 
Maybe what I need more than direction is purpose
When I find them both, hopefully soon, I'll make a new fancy blog, but keep this one for myself and whomever is actually reading it. One to actually promote and use in a professional sense, and this one to just write, like a personal but open journal for myself and my friends and family.
To be thought about until further notice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Back on track just not the literal track.

             Everything seems to be coming together on the Island and in the Brook; I see an opportunity for travels to India (soon) and Ireland (not so soon, still a dream), as well as some other places on the globe. I'm confident that I chose the (or a?) right school. If I use my own abilities and their opportunities and help, I'm sure I can go where I want to in my life.
              It definitely helps that I am lucky enough to be supported by some of the most wonderful people. My parents, my sister and brothers, my aunts and uncle, my boyfriend, his parents, so many family-friends, and my close friends, as well as the new ones I'm making. It's so very easy to feel alone here; it's new, it's hard to get around (mostly because I have no sense of orientation), and it's easy to disconnect from life and people here because I'm not too invested yet. But when this feeling comes on you just have to push it back with all your strength and with confidence remind yourself that you aren't alone and you have to remain happy even when those you love can't be there. People's presence can make you happy, but you can't rely on them for your happiness.
             Keeping busy helps. Rugby keeps me plenty busy and gives me a new and fun social group, with some very awesome people. My roommate is busy and sometimes we are busy together, which is nice. When I'm not busy, I search for things to fill the void. First, homework, then comes organization. Organization is a great help to me; Not only to I kind of have to organize my room every week (as I'm still adjusting on how best to organize to much stuff efficiently), but it also allows me time to organize my thoughts, which keeps me on track with school and goals. Then, depending on the day and my mood, adventuring or a movie, maybe with friends or maybe solo.
            Slowly, I'm getting back to the actual track for Rugby. I went to the doctor and he said I had tendonitis, so I took a week off. No running, no sprinting, no playing. Yesterday, I did some of practice, but perhaps a little more than I should have. Tendonitis is a tricky thing, but it improves with care.
         I'm also getting back on track with this blog. I've been neglecting it a while, time to give it some TLC.