Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Back to the Island, Followed by Alaska.

Update on the "Blizzard": It seems Alaska is following me. Or the Island is trying to make me feel at home.
Storm Juno (any relations to Juneau?) gave us a couple feet of snow, but I left my mukluks at home- just my luk...I promise I'll try to do better with puns.

My resolutions are getting a slow start. I got so sucked in to my return to the home of my heart that I forgot to keep up on the things I started in my school life. The resolutions are underway, I assure you. You're even reading progress on one of them right now.

On my mind lately, possibly due to the tedious hours traveling across the US and back, is this weird time in life; It's as if I have two lives. Some how, some where, do they meld into one?

I have my life here on the Island. Where I go to school, have friends, (will have) a job, and am looking for apartments/abodes off campus. It's where I shop, do chores, have brunch with my lovely roommate, and explore new places.
Then I have my life in Alaska. It's the place I grew up, where I have my supportive family, loving boyfriend, my extended family of friends, and my beautiful dog, Izzy. There's a lot more than just memories there. It's where I laugh and explore. I do all the things I do in Long Island, but with a different scenery and different people. It's a familiar and friendly life. It's the one I miss and I'll always miss. But it's the one I will visit.
As my studies progress and I settle my sights on short term goals, long term goals, and apartments the impending meld or disintegration of my current multiple lives becomes a monster in my closet. I don't want to look at it, but I know it's there.
A logical pat of my brain (it's there, somewhere) tells me if I were to look, it won't be that bad. I'll always be Alaskan and it will always be a place I call home. But there are opportunities out there, some far away from Alaska, that shouldn't be missed because I'm too scared to leave.


  1. I love that you came from Alaska. Because when you say that you don't want to miss an amazing opportunity just because your home is "safe", that is exactly what moving to Alaska for the summer did for me.

    I had never worked, let alone lived outside of Michigan. I always knew I had an adventurous spirit and did not want to stay in Michigan for the rest of my life.

    It's incredible that the place that is your "familiar" is my "big adventure". I love it. I'm so glad I met you, Colleen!

    1. I love that too! I think it's awesome when people choose to go to Alaska or anywhere, but especially there because I really want people to see why I love it so much. I'm glad I met you, too! You always have inspiring (and/or hilarious) words to say :)
